I have had so many people asking me about my ruffled tote bag when I have been out and about with it shopping. It is a real thrill to say I made it myself. :o) It is standing up to everyday usage really well...and boy do I cram a shopping bag full! Did I already tell you this I wonder? Oh well I am too tired to check through my posts tonight so forgive me if I am repeating myself.
Things are quite busy here at the mo so I am not getting as many hours in craft wise as I would like, but am doing my little charity project when I have spare time in the evenings. I forgot just how much you can get done if you do just a little every night...I also forgot how quickly a trick marker fades which is helping me keep on a track a bit LOL.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
For X-stitchers and back stitchers: alphabet generator
This site here has a great tool for stitching words and phrases in X-stitch. Play around with it a bit first and you will soon get the hang of it. Have a look under tools and the alphabet generator.
Doxie still avoiding real work but designing some charity stuff instead so doesn't feel so guilty about it at the mo! I am busy, honest!
Doxie still avoiding real work but designing some charity stuff instead so doesn't feel so guilty about it at the mo! I am busy, honest!
Monday, 15 June 2009
free pattern finds
Using other people's pics in your blog
Some good info on creative commons licenses and how you can use other peoples pics in your blog can be found here on this edublog page.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009

I have a million and one things to do and a deadline to meet but I am so distracted by all things embroidery at the moment. I have so many projects whizzing around in my head. The above picture is part of an embroidery I added to a gift for a neighbour last week. I am working on the assumption that if you get these distractions out of your system by giving in to them you can then get back on track and give your work 100% attention...does it really work like that?
What is your biggest distraction and what should ( ahem ) you be doing instead at the moment?
Doxie giving in to girly whims.
Monday, 8 June 2009
A couple of things I'm working on
Trying my hand at upcycling...
This is a dress I bought at full price a couple of years ago and never wore because it is the most hideous cut you have ever seen. I suppose I should have taken a photo of my body in it so you could see what I mean... but believe me, I can't think of any shape fat or thin that could wear it...so I have taken the halter part off and will try and save the rest by making a top or shortie Summer dress.
The boob part was way too sloppy...if you had been the size to fit it, the under-boob band would not have fitted and below that band you would have had to had a pot belly to make the stomach area have any shape at all and not just hang like a shapeless baggy rag...so it isn't suitable in my opinion for a stick or a tree trunk or even a preggie lady.
I bought this top in a charity shop, it says Next Woman inside. It was way too big and a very chunky unflattering cut around the top...I am wondering if Next Woman is a maternity range as it said size 12 but was way bigger than a standard 12 in my opinion. I bought it with the view of chopping it around a bit, at £1.99 I thought it was a gamble I could afford to loose as the fabric is rather yummy and could easily be made into something else, especially as it is lined too.
This is a dress I bought at full price a couple of years ago and never wore because it is the most hideous cut you have ever seen. I suppose I should have taken a photo of my body in it so you could see what I mean... but believe me, I can't think of any shape fat or thin that could wear it...so I have taken the halter part off and will try and save the rest by making a top or shortie Summer dress.

My enthusiasm could wane a bit seeing as the weather is due to take a turn this week, but as long as I get to wear them at some point over the Summer I will be happy.
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