Thursday, 14 May 2009

Invasion of the ladybirds

Look out! Here they come

I am sure they are plotting something
... as long as it has nothing to do with my newly planted roses I don't mind...unless it is eating aphids and then they are welcome! I think the one below is the leader.

I haven't put flowers and leaves on them all yet as I want to get some different coloured felt so I can make them all a little bit individual. I did one thing differently to the instructions; I did chain stitch in black thread around the bottom of the ladybird instead of just a long stitch as I couldn't get the long stitch to behave and stay where I wanted it to. For details of the instructions look at the link in my previous post.
I know which homes these are going to and I think I will be making some more...they are a fairly portable project... you could easily sit in the car and do these ( not when you are driving of course! lol ) or have a go at some in your lunch hour at work.
VerybigJen came up trumps with these. :o) Thankyou.

The Postman arrived

Look at what the postman brought me today!

A pintucking foot...The only thing is I haven't bought the twin needles I need to use it yet...still I guess that gives me time to find a nice project to try it out on.
Ooooh I am so excited!

Any nice ideas for pintucking out there?

Doxie, a needle short of a pintuck!

Emery Board keepers

I have made a few for myself, they are such a good idea...they stop things from getting scratched up AND you can find them easily in your bag. I am sure friends would appreciate one as a little token gift. :o) I plan to make half a dozen tonight to put in my "gifts in waiting" basket.You can find instructions on this site, but you don't really need a pattern a such.


Anti-Jeremy Top for Hagatha

My dear friend Hagatha had an operation a few weeks ago and really needs to wear floaty tops for now and probably a few months more. I bought her a top a few weeks ago but MIL insisted that it was very me...which was weird as I never wear mauve. Anyway I gave in and tried the top on and I am glad and sad to say that it has become one of my favourites...well you guessed...when I saw Hagatha she shrieked

"I love that top, where d'ya get it? "

All us Doxies just fell about laughing at this and I of course, instantly felt guilty and had to fess up! Mind you, she bought me a beautiful zip up jacket at Christmas which never made it under my Christmas Tree, but looks great on her! ;o)

Anyway the anti-Jeremy bit is to hide Jeremy ...which is the name her daughter gave to her condition ( yes nous sommes slightly unhinged here but it was nicer than having to use the medical term ).

Since making one of Rae's tops the other day for myself I could see it would be a perfect disguise for Jeremy so it looks like that is going to be quite high on my list of to-dos. I am not sure how well it will work out taking measurements over the phone though...Our families are on a day out together over the weekend so maybe I should take my tape measure and just ignore the strange looks I get in public as I take her bust and hip measurements LOL.


Ruffled Tote bag

Weekend Designer has the most gorgeous bag on her site ( I am assuming the author is a she , I read the profile and it doesn't say). Check it out here . Be sure to also check the archives on that site, there is some great stuff to inspire you.I'm sure we all know a girly that would have a fit of frilly vapours if they received something like that as a gift!! That's if you could ever bring yourself to give it away. :o)Ohhhh I wish I lived right next to a fabric shop AND it was open late, I want to make one NOW!Doxie ( off to rumage through my fabric stash )

Edited to say, Don is a guy :) ...sorry I assumed wrongly, I was thinking Donna, silly me!

Visit Pink Penguin: that girl has talent!

This looks like a pretty little thing to give as a gift...I am thinking you could fill it with goodies you made in the same fabric as the basket, how cute would that be?

Also from the same site Pink Penquin is this smashing tutorial on making a pencil/pen case. I don't think I am going to have many problems deciding on what to make for birthday and holiday gifts this year. :o)

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Waiting for the postman

Oooohhh I am so excited, Mr Doxie has just ordered me something ...I'll keep you in suspense, but needless to say it is to do with sewing.

I really need to finish off some dinner mats and start thinking about what my theme will be for next month...Having a theme seems to be the only way I can avoid UFOs...I tend to have crazes on things for a few weeks...if I don't get things finished whilst I am fired up, some other shiny thing catches my eye and barges the now old obsession out of the way and takes over.

I really need to upload my latest pics too, I guess I have been too busy actually sewing to spend much time playing with anything remotely techno just lately.

Doxie sewing with her ear to the door

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Starting a button jar

My best friend and mentor Tonie always had button jars in her sideboard cupboard. I can remember playing with them when I was young, enjoying sorting them out, like with like. I have just realised that it is something that I really need and lets face it we should have in these days of it being PC and necessary to recycle. I am not really sure what I have been doing with odd buttons up until now...I think they are mostly scattered in clothes drawers and bits and bobs boxes. I have been known to buy second hand items just for the buttons in the past but because I have never had a dedicated place for them they are not in regular view and thus have never been put to use.

I'm starting one today...of course I will have to complicate matters and decorate it in some way LOL. :o)

Doxie (who is now thinking she should start practising button holes on the machine.)

If you love Pincushions ...

...then you just HAVE to look at this. I am sure I could feel my heart fluttering with excitement when I was viewing this page. At last an attractive way to recycle bottle tops ( See there was a reason for keeping a bag with 3000 of the things under the stairs ( joking )... There is a book, yippee!

I have my own little squadron of ladybugs in production on the table as I type. Look out ! There is going to be an invasion...if you know me and you sew it is quite likely you now know what you are getting for Christmas LOL.

Doxie who is enjoying the quiet pace of hand sewing

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Guide to smocking on Tipnut

If smocking is on your to-do list check out Tipnut's guide, it looks very clear. :o)


Saturday, 2 May 2009

One UFO down

Yesterday I finished an embroidery I had been doing since September ( okay I don't like to rush things lol ) for a friend...but it will be going to a different friend. I had started it for a surprise for "X" but sadly her circumstances have changed and I know the subject matter will make her sad now if she looked at it, and she certainly wouldn't want that reminder in her home ...BUT it was out on the side the other day when another friend came in who absolutely fell in love with it, infact she went nuts over it LOL. So my UFO which thought it had no destination is going to a new home this week!

Doxie with one UFO less in the fleet!