Saturday, 25 September 2010

Walking with Anaya

A few pics from my walk with Anaya. After a couple of hours grubbing around in the undergrowth looking for nice nature shots we vegged with Latte and cake, yum!
Wot no giraffes? I love the sky in this teasle shot.
Even a blackberry flower can be very beautiful.
soft like a nature painting
Wood monster's eye?
 Have the fairies been out with the 'Mr Sheen'?
 I had to put the camera on the ground and just hope it was pointing in roughly the right direction as I couldn't see... the screen was facing away from me.
I like the bokeh effect in the background!
 I love how the flowers hug this bench...just a few days later they had all finished flowering
 Pretty wood and flowers by the pond
Horse hill gate

I'm really looking forward to catching the Autumn leaf colour. So glad I can drive now, Woohoo!!!!

Life is good!

cactus card

My DB loves cacti but I can't ever recall seeing a cactus card in the shops so I made him one on his birthday!
I got the pic from a free clipart site...sadly I can't remember which one. It certainly brought a smile to his face!
